Saturday, July 18, 2020

Self Care Saturday: Boundaries

Sarri Gilman is a psychotherapist and author of works on developing boundaries to help build a stronger self. We've all had people and situations that have crossed lines for us, whether abusing how caring we are or knowing your fear of saying no and having people be upset with you. Sometimes it's just people who drain you, because your personalities don't mesh well. We don't want to be rude and excuse ourselves or look like someone who isn't a team player, but if we're not healthy, we can't be the best us we can be.

Sarri Gilman did a TEDTalk, sharing some strategies for setting boundaries.

Today, think about where boundaries may need to be set in your life to help with your day-to-day. Would setting aside time away help? How about turning off electronics and not jumping to answer that text? 

Where are you going to start putting down a boundary? And don't forget, it is not bad to be selfish when it comes to taking care of yourself. When you take care of yourself, everything else will fall into place.

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