Sunday, May 24, 2020

Sunday Funday: Backside Pictionary

This fun little activity is all over the internet right now. I can't tell you how many times I've caught videos of this on my social media feeds. Join the craze of Backside Pictionary or the Doodle Challenge, whatever you want to call it. I prefer Backside Pictionary, because I think Doodle Challenge also translates into quite a few other things that aren't this particular activity. Either way, ENJOY!

Note: I know this isn't something you can do solo or with people who you aren't safer-at-homing with. Forgive me for that and if you come up with a solo version, let me know. Someone recommended using a long "broom handle" or "pole" of at least 6ft.

How to play:
  1. Take a piece of paper and tape it to a wall/door/vertical flat surface.
  2. Get a marker to draw on the paper with. 
      • Make sure it won't bleed through the paper onto the vertical surface OR the back of your partner.
  3. Take a piece of paper and hold it or tape it onto the back of your partner.
  4. Draw on the paper and make sure your partner can feel it. 
      • They might need to bend forward a little to give you a harder surface.
  5. On the piece of paper on the vertical surface, they should draw what they think you are drawing.
      • Take your time with each part of the picture, checking that they have drawn something before you go on.
  6. When you are finished, compare.
Other versions: Try multiple people lined up. Flashcards (letters, numbers, basic shapes). Words.

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