I thought I'd start with a little meditation and a little workout. So we'll start with some yoga, do a quick 5 minute workout and then end with another yoga set. It's all about getting in touch with how our bodies feel, whether its through controlling our muscles or getting our pulse up. Let's see how we do!
I found this wonderful activity written by a teacher. She takes her kids through a superhero yoga activity. I'm going to share her poses and then walk you through her lesson, adding a little extra spice. Please click on the article for more information and resources.
First, we have to acknowledge that we ARE superheroes. We all have our own special talents and ways of participating in the world. Sometimes we make mistakes, but we grow from them, just like the superheroes that we love.
Lock into your mind: I AM A SUPERHERO!
1. Breathe. Choose a Hero.
Spiderman: Make Spiderman web fingers, inhale while bringing your arms and hands to your side. As you exhale, spin the web out in front of you.
Superman: Inhale with your arms down at your sides, with your hands in fists. Exhale and bring them out in front of you as if you were flying.
Hulk: Inhale, bringing your arms up to the sky. Exhale and bend your elbows, bringing your arms down as if you’re flexing your arm muscles, while bending your knees.
Wonder Woman: With one hand up in the air, inhale as you spin your lasso. Exhale and throw that lasso out in front of you.
(Labels, pictures, and descriptions from Kids Yoga Stories.)
2. Then bring one of your hands down to the floor. Tilt your body up so that your opposite arm and leg are held in the air.
3. Move into a Warrior 3 (Airplane) Pose. Bring down both of your arms to your side, stick out your back leg and try to balance on your one leg while staring forward.
2. Be Strong
Squat down and kick your legs back like you're about to do a push up. Hold that pose as long as you can. Remember to breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth.
3. Lets FLY!
Now it's time to see if we can fly. But first we have to get used to how crazy it can get.
Try to keep your balance as we practice flying!
3. Move into a Warrior 3 (Airplane) Pose. Bring down both of your arms to your side, stick out your back leg and try to balance on your one leg while staring forward.
4. Move into the Locust Pose (Flying). Lower yourself onto your stomach and lift your arms and legs off the floor as if you're flying like Superman! If you really stretch out your hands and feet you will get a great release in your back muscles and we know heroes need those muscles.
4. Be Your Own Superhero
Now come up with your own superhero pose! What can you think of?
5. Relaxation
We're worked hard as superheroes. Let's give our muscles and our minds a moment to relax. Try tensing your whole body at once and then relax. Do this a few times until you feel the release of tension.
Superhero 5-Minute Workout!
This video is adorable and really fun to do (even if you don't wear the hero clothes).
When you're done with this, you can do another round of yoga to bring your mind back into a calm and centered place. Hopefully you were able to learn a bit more about your own inner self while having a little fun!
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